浜插瓙鍙h鈥旀礂婢$瘒馃泙缇庡紡鑻辫涓彨tub鎴朾athtub,鑻卞紡鑻辫涓彨 bath娲楁尽 take a bathe娣嬫荡 take a showera towel 姣涘肪 washcloth 灏忔瘺宸炬礂婢$敤鐨勬鐨腑rubberduck/bathduck娌愭荡闇?body wash/ body
鈥淏oys will be boys鈥濇槸浠€涔堟剰鎬濓紵鈥淏oys will be boys鈥濓紝鐢峰缁堢┒鏄敺瀛╋紝鎰忔€濆氨鏄細鏈€ч毦绉汇€備緥鍙ワ細My childre are very oisy with their frieds, but boys will be boys.
1銆丱ur liguistic锛堣瑷€涓婄殑锛塧d cultural blidess ad the casualess with which we take otice of the developed tastes, gestures, customs ad laguages of