

星云大师边上的翻译水平肯定是很不错的,毕竟星云大师只讲佛法,这位翻译也只研究佛教领域的双语内容。网友的评论似乎有点卖弄了,不少说pure lad 翻译不到位,还给出了自己的译法:paradise、happiess,还有好几个说应该用Elysium,这几个都是极乐世界、天堂的意思,的确没错,但

每天打卡背单词!But what is happiess except the simple harmoy betwee a ma ad the life he leads? -Albert Camuslead a life: 过着183;183;183;的生活例:That

看来有必要再次介绍一下什么是“动物福利”。“动物福利”这个词是由英文“Aimal Welfare”翻译过来的词汇,“Aimal”是“动物”,而“Welfare”,在英文中的释义是:“the health, happiess, ad fortues of a perso or group

风痕ABC:欢迎来翻译《about happiess》Your success ad happiess lies i you. Resolve to keep happy, ad your joy ad you shall form a ivicible host agaist difficulties.ivicible /??v?s?b?l/ 不可战胜的/改变的


欢迎来翻译~about happiess,Nothig ca take your joy; you have to give it away. Youu0026新春年味大不“瞳”浓情中国年

(第1156期)金句翻译(158-161),学习继续。★ 幸福不会从天而降。Happiess does ot fall from the sky.★ 诚实劳动 hoest work★ 撸起袖子加油干 roll up our sleeves to work harder

欢迎翻译:Happiess is a choice, ot a result. Oce you choose to be happy, the it ca ad will show up i your life.英语学习,相信积累的力量,欢迎关注和转发。

Happiess is like drikig water, you are the oly oe who kows its temperature. You are ot me, you dou0026

欢迎来翻译,If you wat happiess for a hour,take a ap.If you wat happiess for a day, go fishig.If you wat happiess for a year,iher
