Female accomplishmets come at a cost. First of all, protect yourself agaist the fierce ad malicious.女性的成功需要付出很大的代价,首先得保护好自己去应对世界的狰狞和邪恶!
美国习惯用语丨 bear the brutCrises areu0026
puched below their weight”可不是“轻松应对”哦原文After the Asia fiacial crisis i 1997, the Chiese ecoomy helped to stabilise the regio. After the globa
赖世雄: Mark Zuckerbergsaid that he was accoutable for the compay’s dowtur(扎克伯克称自己要为公司的衰退负责……)accoutable 是形容词,指“(对人或事)应负责的”,表示“应对某事负责”,介词要用for:I the ed, we are all accoutable for our actios.(我们最终都要对自己的行为负责。)The maager should be held accoutable for his role i the case.= The maager should be held resposible for his role i the case.(这名经理应该要为他在这件案子所扮演的角色负责。)表示“应对某人负责”,介词要用to:Schools should be accoutable to the studets who pay tuitio to atted them.(学校应对该校缴交学费念书的学生负责。)
英文写作常用连接词本思维导图主要用于应对英文写作常用连接词汇总分类:明连接与暗承接,更多干货内容赶快收藏起来慢慢看吧!连词(coj cojuctio)是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为4类:并列连词.转折连词.选择连词和因果连
学会优雅应对挫折,这才是成熟。Learig to be gracious i the face of defeat, that shows maturity.
基础英语 第26期翻译:1.因为我的错误我应对他说声抱歉。I should _____ _______ ____him __________ _____ my mistakes.2.天黑了,我们最好互相道声再见了。It’s ________ ow, we’d ________ _____
The greatest weapo agaist stress is our ability to choose oe thought over aother.应对压力最强大的武器,是你有能力换个想法。
Silece is the best aswer for all questios. Smilig is the best reactio i all situatios.沉默是应对所有问题的最好答案,微笑是在所有情况下的最好反应!